What do you mean by "Recursive" in the Check Files Option?

Recursive means it ApexSQL Clean will analyze all files in the selected folders and all subfolders contained in that folder.

After I selected "Add Files" in the "Check File" process a message box appeared that indicates "6 files successfully added to search index" What does this mean ?

ApexSQL Clean found five files that met the file extensions you have selected for your search pattern.  Only these files will be analyzed by ApexSQL Clean.

How do you add a new file extension to the pattern list ?

Click Options from the Configuration Menu or "Edit Pattern" from "Process Files" menu.  In the following graphic we can see the user is editing the list of file extensions which matches the Pattern in the status bar of the "Process File Dependencies"

What does the Check Database option do ?

Check Database interrogates the database itself to determine interdependencies between SQL Objects.  For example, ApexSQL Clean will determine if a table is referenced by any stored procedures or views.

I dropped all the objects that ApexSQL Clean recommended that I dropped but then when I immediately re-ran ApexSQL Clean it came up with more unreferenced objects.  How can this happen?

You dropped unreferenced objects that themselves referenced other objects.  When the unreferenced objects were dropped the references that maintained were eliminated.  So when ApexSQL Clean was run again some of the objects that the dropped objects referenced, they now show up unreferenced themselves.

For this reason you may have to run ApexSQL Clean multiple times to get rid of all of the unreferenced objects.


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